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Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer

We passionately believe in exercise as medicine at Lift but we also recognise there are barriers to exercise.

Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer

Many people don’t have access to appropriately experienced Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists who understand the unique needs of a person with breast cancer to help guide them through an exercise program.

This could be for many reasons - like where you live, limitations of time, limited ability to attend appointments and cost. For those of you in this situation we are pleased to let you know that we will be launching Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer.

The aim of this program is make exercise accessible for everyone, no matter where you live. This is also a great way of helping with motivation for those times that exercise feels too hard.

How does it work?

  • Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer classes will happen via a video call

  • The classes will be done from the comfort of your own home under the real-time guidance & supervision of our oncology experienced Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists

  • The classes will be in a group format and will include exercises suitable for people with breast cancer no matter what stage you are at. Options will be provided to make sure everyone can participate. This includes people with bone mets, lymphoedema and peripheral neuropathy.

  • Classes will be offered with varied focus points. For example - strength & conditioning, low intensity aerobic and pilates.

If you would like receive more information about the Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer Program when it launches, please register your interest below.

Register your interest today

By completing this form you are not committed in any way, however you’ll be the first to know when Telehealth Exercise for Breast Cancer is ready and you can decide if you want to participate at that point.