Health Minister at Lift

Federal Minister of Health visits Lift

May 2023

Hosting The Hon. Mark Butler, Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care at Lift Cancer Care Services was truly a privilege and an exciting occasion for all involved. It provided an excellent opportunity for Lift to showcase its unique and innovative approach to cancer care through Exercise Medicine Treatment, demonstrating its commitment to improving the health outcomes of cancer patients.

During the visit, Lift had the chance to highlight the immense value of Exercise Medicine as an integral part of cancer treatment. The team emphasised how incorporating medially prescribed and supervised exercise treatment into cancer care can significantly contribute to the overall well-being and outcomes of patients.

Exercise Medicine has been proven to help cancer patients manage treatment side effects, improve their physical strength, enhance mental well-being, as well as increase survival rates and reduce rates of cancer recurrence.

By emphasising the importance of Exercise Medicine in cancer treatment, Lift aimed to draw attention to the long-term benefits this approach offers. By maximising the health outcomes of cancer patients, it goes beyond just the individual. There are ripple effects that positively impact families, communities, and the healthcare system as a whole.

One significant benefit of integrating Exercise Medicine into cancer care is the potential to reduce the long-term healthcare burden associated with cancer and its treatment. When patients experience better health outcomes and a higher quality of life, they may require fewer medical interventions, hospitalisations, and long-term care. This, in turn, can alleviate the financial strain not only on the individuals themselves but also on their families and the healthcare system.

By investing in Exercise Medicine and other innovative approaches to cancer care, the healthcare system can potentially see reduced healthcare costs in the long run.

The visit of The Hon. Mark Butler served as an important platform to advocate for the integration of Exercise Medicine into standard cancer care practices across Australia. Lift Cancer Care Services demonstrated how a holistic approach to cancer treatment can lead to more positive outcomes for patients and contribute to building a healthier, more resilient society.

Overall, the occasion was a moment of pride for Lift Cancer Care Services we shared our dedication to advancing cancer care through Exercise Medicine and promoting the importance of patient-centric, comprehensive treatment approaches. By collaborating with policymakers and healthcare leaders like The Hon. Mark Butler, Lift aims to further its mission of enhancing the lives of cancer patients and contributing to a healthier, happier future for all Australians.